Inner Love
Level 3. Inner Love
The Third Initiation into Inner Love is when the mind drops into the Heart, and Inner Love opens it’s doors to the Heavenly realms. It is the most beautiful spiritual honeymoon period where there is no more fear, and Love is the Answer. Love is the way, and all there is Love. That is commonly defined as a 5th dimension in the Ascension teachings. This Love further grows and matures to encompass love to oneself and loving thy neighbor, thus opening and expanding to complete Planetary Self Consciousness, where a person feels undeniable at-oneness with All that Is. It is a constant feeling of connectedness, and life becomes complete, joyous, and a sense of serenity is felt in the mind because love and oneness give true fulfillment of life.
The levels of Inner Light, Higher Self, Inner Love, and Planetary are the states of realization where 90% of all spiritually awakened humans reside because the next step of Level of Presence is more advanced and usually quite challenging to open up. Master Mindo usually gives an example of the Beach and the Ocean: “In the Levels of Inner Love and Planetary Self, a person is at the most beautiful tropical paradise beach enjoying the sunshine and from time to time dipping into the ocean for a swim. However, the fourth Initiation Presence is the ocean itself. There is no more person. There is no one in heaven or on the beach. It is a complete surrender of the spiritual ego-self to space/energy field of Presence itself.”

Intelligent and Unconditional Love
Loving kindness as a state of being
Cultivating a compassionate heart
Development of unchanging and permanent inner love
Capacity to love all living beings
Love flows from the heart
Uplifting to others
Having pure motives
Can discern essence of people, situations and issues
Holistic problem solving
More accurate Intuitive insights
Inner Ascension to Heaven (5th dimensional consciousness)
Experiences of Initiation
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Heart & Love Playlist
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