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Lyonne Sundari’s works focus on the foundational knowledge of consciousness evolution. 

Focusing on Heart Evolution and the 12 States of the hearts Consciousness.

Sacred Sexuality: Womb healing and clearing, Sexual Trauma, awakening sexual energies, and creative force from within.

Presence & Beingness: Guidance into I Am Presence, Galactic Self Consciousness as a Being. 

Selfless Loving Awareness: From Presence Consciousness into Loving Awareness.


Lyonne also guides meditations and holds classes, workshops, retreats, and Teacher Training Courses, which bring together those ready to step into their power, awaken the beauty within, and embrace their being with pure love surrendering to the essence of the feminine.​

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Dedicated to her cause, Lyonne is experienced in several areas of advanced energy healing work. She utilizes various effective techniques to cleanse, purify, align, and amplify energy flow to promote self-healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Every healing session is tailored specifically to the individual’s needs, based on Lyonne’s expertise and intuition. Her direct knowledge of healing sessions is based on various healing arts, such as Light activations, attunements to new energetics, Reiki, Sound healing, Theta healing, Chakra balancing, Shakti activation, Shifting of Consciousness, Violet flame initiations, Heart Opening, Universal and Soul Healing.


Reine Kabban, Lebanon

For me, Lyonne is the kind of spiritual teacher that is genuinely rooted in a presence and energy that invokes true meeting with the higher self! Her way is so subtle and gentle, and before you know it, you are accessing a part of yourself that you didn't know was possible.


Doris Alsford, UK

Life leads me to this excellent teacher that has guided me to realize my value, depth, and capacity to love. She has shown me my natural gifts and unique expression that I can share with others and celebrate myself. I am so blessed to have met her. Her support and guidance have lifted and transformed me and my life, and now I can be of service in my daily life to others, just by being myself. I have also learned how to hold space in a loving presence for another and bring through my higher self to give them the message they need to hear and provide them with space for their inquiry and revelations. Whether you are called to go on a retreat, online course, or work one to one or like me all of it, it is of unmatched value you are investing in yourself, and you realize your real purpose on this earth lead by a real-life goddess.


Alba Florian Viton, Malta

My encounter with Lyonne was a gift from the stars. She came into my life just at the right time, only when I needed her magic the most. To me, it feels as though she is a stranger to no one... she will invite you into her heart with open arms, and from then, better yet, she will ask you into your seat. Lyonne led me into a place within myself where everything is fine, where everything flows, where time, stress, and worries do not exist... a place where I could spiritually experience a beautiful totality....she introduced me to certainty, a complete trust, security within myself... We are so much more than we think...when an angel-like Lyonne crosses your path, consider yourself very, very lucky :) Thank you, Lyonne.

What Others Say

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Lyonne has a beautiful warm heart energy which you can feel deeply in her guidance through meditations, yoga classes and meetings. She has a lovely carrying energy and in her sessions she brings you in a really soft, heart open, gentle, loving space and holds your vulnerability with so much love and compassion. Thank you.

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